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Aramaic Alchemy

Discover the Soul of Aramaic Language through Prayer, Meditation, Chanting, and Alaha Shela Practices


At the age of 18, I experienced my first interaction with the Aramaic language during my studies in Dance Education and Religious Studies. The moment I listened to the Dead Sea Scrolls, I felt a profound tremor in my being, sparking curiosity and intrigue about the unknown. Driven by this experience, I enrolled in a course to explore further, leading me on a captivating journey through the gnostic Gospels and a year-long study of Aramaic at university. In 2017, I felt a deep calling to revive this ancient language, infusing it with life through Embodiment, Prayer, and Chanting, leading me to earn a degree in Aramaic Studies.

Aramaic, a language spoken by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and widespread in their era, is more than just a mode of communication. It is a Light Language with the potential to unify diverse aspects of our existence, eliminating any sense of separation. A Light Language interacts with the Light of Creation, embodying a profound oneness devoid of duality. The process of integrating Aramaic, the language of the Christ Lineage, into my life has been extraordinarily transformative, therapeutic, and mystical.


The Aramaic Alchemy Program


The Aramaic Alchemy Program is a deeply immersive, self - paced online course designed to elucidate and embody the rich legacy of the Aramaic language. This transformative journey presents a unique blend of spiritual disciplines, all meticulously crafted to unlock the profound depths of Aramaic's wisdom and healing potential.

This course navigates the sacred landscape of the Aramaic alphabet through the heartbeat of Desert Drumming Rhythms. Each letter comes to life, pulsating with its unique rhythm and vibration, as you learn to embody its essence through Alaha Shela Embodiment Practices and Magdalene and Essene Meditations. These practices offer a portal into the mystical realm where language, rhythm, and movement converge, guiding you towards a deeper understanding and a more profound experience of the sacred letters. These sessions harmonize the wisdom of ancient traditions with the transformative power of embodiment, fostering a deep connection to your body and activating your innate healing capabilities.

Our carefully curated workshops focus on various prayers in Aramaic. The sacred art of chanting, coupled with powerful activations, allow for a complete embodiment of these ancient prayers. These practices illuminate the profound wisdom embedded in the Aramaic language, bringing its healing and transformative energies into your lived experience.

The Aramaic Alchemy Program also includes an enlightening module on Essene Numerology. This ancient knowledge system offers invaluable insights into the symbolic meanings of numbers and their unique vibrations, helping you decode the universe's underlying patterns and rhythms


The course explores the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, opening up a deeper understanding of this revered prayer and its profound spiritual implications. The program also includes sessions on Womb Healing in Aramaic and a study of the Beatitudes in Aramaic, both offering transformative tools for healing and personal growth.

Join us on this extraordinary journey through the Aramaic Alchemy Program, where ancient wisdom meets transformative practices, illuminating a path to spiritual growth, healing, and self-discovery.

Click below to join this powerful self - paced program

Ahava and Blessings to you all,
Ana Otero

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