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Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest


Mary Magdalene is the Holy Source from where the Christ drinks, She is the Force of Light that births enlightenment. She is the Holy Woman who anoints, the one who illuminates, the one who redeems. She is the Feminine Christ of our paradisaical origin. Her Chrism (anointing oil), which is her elixir of love, is the light that awakens Humanity´s fallen Consciousness. She is the womb of the Christos, the Womb of the Divine, and when we reclaim her she leads us to the Primordial Wisdom of all times.

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Mary Magdalene is the Holy Source from where Christ drinks, She is the Force of Light that births enlightenment.

She is the Holy Woman who anoints, the one who illuminates, the one who redeems. She is the Feminine Christ of our paradisaical origin. Her Chrism (anointing oil), which is her elixir of love, is the light that awakens Humanity´s fallen Consciousness. She is the womb of the Christos, the Womb of the Divine, and when we reclaim her she leads us to the Primordial Wisdom of all times.

May we always know that we are the love of the ABWOON (Mother - Father)


Ana Otero

Founder of The Desert Rose Mystery School

Mary Magdalene has lived at the roots of the Divine Feminine Principle and made her way to the core of our planet. She is activating the Tree of Life Template in our bodies so that when we awaken, we remember every part of where we come from. Mary Magdalene is leading the change we are experiencing in this world. She completes the "bottom" part of "as above, so below". She embraces all the shadows that we cast and deny. She teaches us ACCEPTANCE in who we are and what we have chosen. She teaches us that the shadows we have denied contain our magic.

She was a wife, partner, and co-teacher with Yeshua. As a co-teacher with Yeshua, they both taught the Way of Sacred Humanity and Ascension. She taught us that we are the Body – Temple and that we must learn how to receive THE HOLY. We are time and space, essence, matter, spirit and the art of creation. She is here to bring us back to ONENESS. In and through HER presence, we are taken into the Bridal Chamber to become Christed.  

Mary Magdalene is a doorway to the rebirthing of the soul of  humanity and the memory of our sacred roots in the Mother of Creation. Through holy communion with Mary Magdalene, we enter this portal within ourselves where we activate, initiate and awaken our own Magdalene essence. She prepares us and opens us to receive the Holy Spirit. This creative Spirit lives at the base of our universe, as the eternal matrix of the birth of the Mother-Father, and encompasses both man and woman, each intermediate spectrum and all expressions of life. 

Conversations with Mary Magdalene by Ana Otero

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Mary Magdalene Teachings Of  The
Desert Rose Training Program


Magdalene Shabbat Teachings

Mary Magdalene as a Hebrew woman honored Shabbat as the most sacred ceremony of the week. We will embody Mary Magdalene’s sacred teachings and consciousness into the traditional Shabbat rituals, emphasizing a mystical and deeply spiritual approach to this weekly observance.

The Importance of Shabbat in Mary Magdalene's Life:

Understanding the central role of Shabbat in the life of Mary Magdalene as a Hebrew woman.

Exploring the historical and cultural significance of Shabbat in her time.

Sacred Ancestral Shabbat Teachings:

Learning about traditional Shabbat rituals enriched with mystical interpretations and practices.

Examining how these ancient teachings align with Mary Magdalene’s spiritual perspective.

Mary Magdalene’s Sacred and Secret Teachings:

Delving into the lesser-known spiritual teachings and insights of Mary Magdalene.

Understanding the depth and wisdom of her ministry and its implications for Shabbat practices.

Venus and Black Madonna Lineages:

Investigating the connections between Mary Magdalene, the Venus lineage, and the Black Madonna.

Understanding the influence of these lineages on the development of Shabbat ceremonies.

Prayers, Invocations, and Shabbat Chants:

Learning specific prayers, invocations, and chants in Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew for Shabbat.

Practicing these elements to enhance the spiritual depth of Shabbat observance.

Embodying the Divine Feminine Presence in Shabbat:

Integrating the Divine Feminine, as represented by Mary Magdalene, into the Shabbat experience.

Exploring the Holy Wedding Feast of Divine Union as a theme in Shabbat ceremonies.

Activation of the New Israel and Shekinah:

Engaging in practices that embody the Shekinah (Holy Spirit - The Divine Feminine Presence) and activate the spiritual Dimension of the New Israel.

Understanding the role of Mary Magdalene as the embodiment of Shekinah in the context of Shabbat.

Mystical and Moon Cycle Teachings:

Studying the Aramaic teachings related to lunar cycles and their relevance to Shabbat observance.

Incorporating these teachings into the rhythm of Magdalene Shabbat ceremonies.

Facilitating Magdalene Shabbats:

Training on how to lead Magdalene Shabbat ceremonies, incorporating Mary Magdalene’s teachings and consciousness.

Emphasizing a non-dogmatic, mystical approach to devotion and ceremony.

Aramaic Light Body Activations:

Learning techniques for Light Body activation using Aramaic mantras and vibrations.

Experiencing the transformational energy of Aramaic for personal and spiritual growth.

Historical Context and Legacy:

Examining the historical significance of Aramaic as the language of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

Exploring the spiritual legacy and teachings of the early Christ Community through the lens of Aramaic.

Integrating Aramaic into Personal Practice:

Personal reflections and experiences with incorporating Aramaic into spiritual practices.

Guidance on applying Aramaic teachings for healing, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Aramaic Creation Spirituality


Embodiment of Aramaic through Spiritual Practices:

  • Engaging with the Aramaic language through diverse spiritual practices including prayer, meditation, and chanting.

  • Introduction to Alaha Shela (God-in-self) practices, fostering a deeper connection with the divine essence.

Aramaic as a Technology of Creation:

  • Exploring the concept of Aramaic as a 'Light Language' and its role in the Technology of Creation.

  • Understanding how Aramaic transcends duality, promoting unity and harmony.

Understanding Aramaic Lunar Cycles:

  • Delving into the Aramaic calendar and its lunar cycles.

  • Connecting these cycles with Cosmic Intelligence, aligning spiritual practice with celestial rhythms.

Aramaic Light Body Activations:

  • Learning techniques for Light Body activation using Aramaic mantras and vibrations.

  • Experiencing the transformational energy of Aramaic for personal and spiritual growth.

Historical Context and Legacy:

  • Examining the historical significance of Aramaic as the language of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

  • Exploring the spiritual legacy and teachings of the early Christ Community through the lens of Aramaic.

Integrating Aramaic into Personal Practice: 

  • Personal reflections and experiences with incorporating Aramaic into spiritual practices.

  • Guidance on applying Aramaic teachings for healing, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Training in the Healing Arts of Biblical  Sacred Oils


Historical and Spiritual Foundations:

  • Understanding the Myrraphore tradition and its origins in ancient Egypt.

  • Exploring the spiritual and ritualistic connections between celestial bodies, Earth cycles, and essential oils.

Study of Biblical Oils:

  • In-depth learning about various Biblical essential oils, covering their mystical, esoteric, and physical properties and benefits.

  • Examination of historical contexts and biblical references to these oils.

Sacred Sound and Activation Codes:

  • Techniques for activating the oils using sacred sounds and codes, enhancing their healing properties.

  • Practical sessions on sound-based activation methods for each oil.

Desert Rose Ceremony for Each Oil:

  • Learning and practicing the Desert Rose Ceremony, a specific ritual associated with each oil.

  • Understanding the ceremonial significance and the process of integrating these rituals with oil application.

Healing Modalities with Biblical Essential Oils:

  • Training in the application of Biblical essential oils for healing purposes.

  • Guidance on therapeutic techniques and best practices in oil usage.

Accreditation and Case Studies:

  • Opportunity to receive accreditation for using Biblical Essential Oils as a Healing Modality.

  • Completion of specific case studies involving the practical application and effects of the Biblical oils.

  • Evaluation and feedback sessions on case study outcomes.


Alaha Shela Teachings

Alaha Shela Body Technology and Prayer:

  • In-depth study and practice of body techniques aligned with Alaha Shela principles.

  • Integration of specific prayers and meditations to enhance the embodiment process.

Aramaic Letters in Spiritual Practice:

  • Exploration of the spiritual significance of Aramaic letters.

  • Practical sessions on incorporating these letters into personal spiritual practices.

Ahava Sacred Dance®:

  • Engagement in Ahava Sacred Dance®, a unique form of movement meditation.

  • Understanding the role of dance in expressing and experiencing spiritual energies.

Art and Creativity in Spirituality:

  • Workshops on using art as a medium for spiritual exploration and expression.

  • Encouraging creativity as a pathway to connect with the divine.

Magdalene Alaha Shela Lunar Ceremonies:

  • Monthly ceremonies aligning with the lunar cycles, following the Magdalene Alaha Shela tradition.

Celestial Movement Meditations:

  • Learning meditative practices that incorporate celestial movements and rhythms.

  • Techniques for syncing meditation with cosmic energies for deeper spiritual experiences.

Desert Rose Frame Drum Practice:

  • Instruction in the traditional use of the frame drum, with a focus on the Desert Rose style.

  • Utilizing drumming as a tool for meditation, healing, and spiritual connection.

Exclusive Access to Practices and Meditations:

  • This program offers exclusive access to specific meditations and practices that are unique to our school, providing a distinctive learning experience that cannot be found elsewhere.

The Aramaic Magdalene Rosary


Understanding the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary:

  • Detailed study of the Magdalene Rosary, its origins, and its significance in a spiritual context.

  • Exploration of the Aramaic language's nuances as used in the Rosary.

Daily Mysteries and Shekhinah's Holy Fire:

  • Learning the specific mysteries associated with each day of the week in the Rosary.

  • Understanding and practicing the activations of the Holy Fire of Shekhinah within these daily mysteries.

Integration of Channelings and Sophianic Kabbalistic Wisdom:

  • Insight into the channelings received from Mary Magdalene that influenced the creation of the Rosary.

  • Incorporating Sophianic Kabbalistic teachings and their relevance to the mysteries of the Rosary (The 13 Petalled Rose).

Facilitating Magdalene Rosary Circles:

  • Training in how to effectively facilitate a Magdalene Rosary Circle.

  • Developing skills in leading groups, creating a sacred space, and guiding participants through the Rosary practice.

Practical Applications and Community Building:

  • Practical sessions for applying the teachings of the Rosary in various settings.

  • Techniques for building and nurturing a community around the practice of the Magdalene Rosary.


The Spiral of the Rosa Mystica

  • The rose is one of the oldest symbols of Divine Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, radiating love to our world from the invisible ground of the cosmos. ​ In the Christian tradition, the rose was associated with the Virgin Mary and, in the gnostic and alchemical tradition, with Sophia, Divine Wisdom and the Holy Spirit. As an initiatory path, the Sacred Way of the Rose symbolizes the hidden feminine Wisdom Tradition and the Way of the Heart. The rose represents love, creation, fertility, wisdom, beauty, and also mystery.​ The Spiral of the Mystical Rose is a journey in the Mystical Wheel of Mary Magdalene. Through the Spiral of the Rosa Mystica we receive Mary Magdalene as Queen of Shabbat, embodiment of the Holy Spirit. We awaken the mystical qualities of the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether to synchronize our energies, life, healing and practices with Mary Magdalene and the Light Beings and Angels that are part of her Lineage. In 2023 we will work deeply with The Light Conception School through Hathor - Venus - Sarai the Matriarch - Mother Anna - Mother Mary - Mary Magdalene and Sarah Tamar. Yeshua will be extremely present in our teachings and the Lunar Masculine through Yohanan the Baptizer and Lazarus.

  • Magdalene Alaha Shela Ceremonies are specific Magdalene Ceremonies that are aligned to different portals within the Spiral of the Rosa Mystica.

  • Gates of Initiation.

  • The Sacred Elements as Doors of Initiation. How to manifest through the Elements.

  • In the time of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene the New Moon was celebrated with reverence and Devotion. Every New Moon we receive the Christ teachings and Aramaic Alignment connected to the Lunar month through our Alaha Shela Ceremony.

  • Venus Gates through the study of Shekhinah and the awakening of the Tree of Life Template.


Mystical Sexuality

  • Hieros Gamos - Sacred Marriage. Sacred Union - Divine Union. Mary Magdalene and Yeshua: Sacred Couple.

  • Sacred Relationships. Relationship as Devotional Practice.

  • The Mysteries of the Bridal Chamber - The Mysteries of the Divine Union. The 5 Sacraments of Divine Union.

  • Mystical Sexuality as a path of healing and unification.


The Spiritual Teachings of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua in the Code of Sacred Humanity and the New Temple of Jerusalem.

  • The Sacred Sacraments of Mary Magdalene.

  • Cosmology from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

  • Shemaya Consciousness and Ar'a Consciousness.

  • The different stages in the Ministry of Mary Magdalene.

  • The Serpent, Dove and Dragon Energy

  • The Way of the Heart of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.

  • Holy Spirit - Shekinah - The Awakening of the New Earth through the Abwoon D'bashmaya.

  • The Light Beings of the Spiral of the Mystical Rose: Mother Anna, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah Tamar, Yeshua David, John the Baptist, Joseph of Arimathea and many more.

  • The 7 Demons and the Inner Voices of the Human Being.

  • Humanology according to Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

  • The Path of the Black Madonna.

  • Teachings on the School of Immaculate Conception

  • The 7 Chambers of Light of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Gnosticism and Mysticism 


The Gnostic Gospels:

  • Study of specific Gnostic Gospels, including texts from the Nag Hammadi library.

Biblical Translations and Interpretations:

  • Examining the Bible with a focus on translations from the original Aramaic.

  • Understanding how translation choices can impact the interpretation of scripture.

The Essenes, Egyptian, and Hebrew Mystery Schools:

  • Exploring the teachings and practices of the Essenes.

  • Studying the influences of Egyptian and Hebrew Mystery Schools on Gnostic thought.

The Book of Creation:

  • Delving into the 'Book of Creation' (Sefer Yetzirah) and its implications for mysticism.

The Mantle of the Bride and Wisdom Traditions:

  • 'Mantle of the Bride' transmissions and teachings.

  • Exploring Chochma (Wisdom) traditions and their place in Gnostic belief.

The Desert Rose:

  • Embodiment of the Desert Rose, Mystery Schools of the Divine Feminine Presence.

Hieros Gamos: The Sacred Marriage:

  • Studying the concept of Hieros Gamos or Sacred Marriage, especially as it relates to Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.

  • Exploring the idea of Sacred Union and Divine Union in Gnostic context.

Sacred Relationships and Devotional Practices:

  • The Path of Devotion through Relationships.

  • Relating with the Cosmic Intelligence.

The Bridal Chamber Mysteries and Divine Union Sacraments:

  • Unveiling the mysteries of the Bridal Chamber, as taught in the Gospel of Thomas.

Mystical Sexuality as Healing and Unification:

  • The Path of Creation through Unity and Light.

The Magdalene 6 Wombs


The Magdalene 6 Wombs

  • Introduction to the Magdalene 6 Wombs, encompassing the holistic understanding of physical, energetic, and spiritual wombs.

  • Detailed exploration of each womb's role and significance in personal and spiritual development.

Individual Womb Studies:

  • The Physical Womb: Study of the physical womb's spiritual symbolism.

  • The Energetic Womb: Examination of the energetic dynamics and nurturing practices. The sacred space of co-creation.

  • The Serpent Womb of the Holy Flame: The transformative energy of the Kundalini - Serpent Energy

  • The Womb of Divine Union: Understanding this womb as a space of spiritual unity and connection. Yeshua and Maryam Holy Chamber Activation.

  • The Dragon Womb: Exploration of the womb of strength, wisdom, and spiritual power.

  • The Cosmic Womb: Connection with universal and cosmic energies of Imma Illah, Cosmic Mother.

Magdalene Womb Yoga Practices:

  • Practice of specific yoga techniques tailored to activate and nurture each of the six wombs.

  • Methods for aligning physical health and spiritual well-being.

Desert Rose Womb Healing Practitioner Certification:

  • Comprehensive training leading to certification as a Desert Rose Womb Healing Practitioner.

  • Emphasis on acquiring practical skills and knowledge for effective womb healing and awakening.

  • Requirement to complete specific case studies to receive an accredited certification, ensuring proficiency and understanding of the practices.

  • Upon successful completion of the module and case studies, participants will receive an accredited certification as a Desert Rose Womb Healing Practitioner.


Devotional Arts

  • The Desert Rose Frame Drum Instruction infused with the Drum Rhythms of the Desert Rose and the Vibration of the Bee

  • Sacred Dance and Alaha Shela Practices

  • Chanting, Prayer, Ritual and Ceremony

  • Celestial Communications

  • Light Language (Aramaic, Biblical Hebrew, Pleiadese, Lemuria, Essene Toning)


The Training Is For


Women and Men who feel the calling to embody the teachings of the Christ Lineage ane become an Priest - Priestess of the Feminine Christ Mary Magdalene and a Wisdom holder for the Teachings of the Desert Rose. This Path is very linked to the word AHAVA. Ahava means love in service, love in action. When we become an a Magdalene Priest - Priestess, we become a vessel of Light that is ready to spread the teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

As we step into the realm of divine love, all of our relationships deepen because they are infused with the experiences of treasuring, devotion and reverence. We realize and live the truth that we are both human and divine, perfect and imperfect all the same. We see that our humanness brings us to our divinity and our divinity embraces our humanity.

Walking the sacred path of love, day in and day out,  invites us into divine union of body, soul, and spirit, a place where we are driven wild with pleasure and the flames of love burn so hot that they melt away anything that obscures our oneness with love.

In this ecstasy, separation dissolves. All that remains is Bliss and we become again the Vessels that hold the Divine Name.

More On How The Training Works


Online Student Portal

Live Classes and all material (Videos, Ebooks, PDfs, etc.) are uploaded to the Online Student Portal. The student Portal is easy to use and is very organised.

Monthly Schedule

Before the start of the month you will be given the schedule for the Live Gatherings.


We can communicate through the Student Online Portal, email, and a private Facebook Group. I'm here to guide and mentor you in this training program, which is open to both women and men. Separate sessions will be held for each gender as part of our soul evolution.


Upon completion of the Training Program you will be awarded an Accredited Certification.

Ahava, Ana Otero

Mary Magdalene Teachings of the Desert Rose Training Program

Our next training starts in January 2024.  Registration is open and we welcome all of you who are in the Path of Magdalene Remembrance.  Fill out the registration form  for the Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training Program by clicking below and if you have any questions please email me:  .

Once you have filled out the Registration Form you may continue to the Sales Page.

Ahava, Ana Otero

Mary Magdalene is the energy of our soul and is here to balance, restore and bring transformational healing to everyone and to the planet. We must learn to integrate Mature Female Principles with Mature Male Principles to restore balance, bring healing and transformation.

Conversations with Mary Magdalene by Ana Otero

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Mary Magdalene and the Path of Alaha Shela

The journey we embark upon is a Path of Prayer and Embodiment, deeply rooted in our unwavering devotion to the Magdalene Consciousness.

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